November 11, 2016 2 min read 0 Comments

We're at the end of our Fermented Condiments spree. We've already covered how to make Fermented Ketchup and Hummus, so now we're moving onto the most popular fermented condiment: hot sauce. Fermenting your own condiments is extremely easy with Masontops fermentation tools. You can make them in Mason jars and throw a lid on them to store in the fridge. Add your own label, and you have a very nice gift for friends. 

Making your own hot sauce is a great way to control the heat-flavor balance. Some people use hot sauce just for the burn, others like the flavor certain peppers can bring to a dish. If you're one of those families that puts hot sauce on everything, fermenting your own is something the entire family can be a part of and the results will be enjoyed by all. 

We found a fantastic and easy recipe for hot sauce on Fermented Food Lab. We liked it because of it's simplicity and wild fermentation method. Other recipes called for starters, which aren't necessary if you're looking for a basic sauce... all you need are 4 ingredients! 


  • 1 cup of hot peppers chopped into rings (6 medium size peppers) 
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 cup of chlorine-free water
  • ½ tbsp of coarse salt (no iodine) 


To make this sauce with Masontops, mix your water and salt in a measuring cup and set aside. Add all of your ingredients to the Mason jar and pour the brine over the peppers and garlic, ensuring they are fully submerged with 1.25" of headspace. Take your Pickle Pebble and place it on top of the peppers, weighing them down below the brine; you should still have approximately 1/2 inch of headspace left. Arrange the peppers and garlic so they are all beneath the Pickle Pebble and scoop out any bits that may have floated to the top (they will propagate mold). Secure your Pickle Pipe to the jar, spout up, by screwing on your Mason jar band. Then leave it to ferment for 2+ days in a dark, cool place; we recommend smelling and tasting along the way to see if it's at the flavor you like.

Once you're happy with the fermentation, blend it and store it with a Mason jar lid. It will last for months in your fridge and up to years if left full and unopened. To get the full recipe, including signs the fermentation is complete, head over to Fermented Food Lab

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